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Introduction to International Political Economy

Introduction to International Political Economy, David N. Balaam & Bradford Dillman, 6th edition, 2014.

“The 6th edition of the book focuses on the historical juncture that appears to be both on the verge of an abyss and on the cusp of a more promising era for some countries. Authors raises several questions including: do we see a new global political and economic order beginning to take shape with China, India and Brazil poised to claim greater influence in international institutions? can states, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and global social movements effectively deal with the effects of hypermobile capital, bring more economic growth without taxing the environment?
The authors intents to provide students with the tools necessary to delve deeper into issues, develop their critical thinking skills, and understand many of the theoretical and policy dynamics of the global political economy. The book offers a variety of perspectives so that the readers will be able to form their own opinions about controversial issues”.

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