The first Virtual Convocation Ceremony of the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies (BCIS) for the year 2020 was held on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. His Excellency David McKinnon, High Commissioner of Canada to Sri Lanka and the Maldives graced this event as the Chief Guest and delivered the commencement address. While congratulating the graduands, he extolled the importance of studying International Relations that places them in a better position to appreciate the world in more interesting ways. He drew a parallel to his own role advocating for better understanding of perspectives of one another’s countries and the respective policy makers between Canada and Sri Lanka given its complexities of the day. The Chairperson of the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies (BCIS) Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, former President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka delivered the welcome address stressing the value of studying International Relations, a vast, fast evolving and an interesting discipline particularly required for setting parameters and enacting an effective foreign policy – a need of the hour for Sri Lanka’s compelling geopolitical imperatives that were elucidated by her. The event was also attended by the distinguished members of the Council of Management, the Academic Board and lecturers. Dr Minna Thaheer, Director, BCIS addressed the virtual gathering. She presented a memento in appreciation of the participation of His Excellency David Mackinon amidst his busy schedules. Mr Wasantha Manthirpala, Chief Administrative Officer, and Registrar of BCIS was also present at the occasion.At this Virtual Convocation, 69 students who completed Postgraduate Diploma and the Higher Diploma programmes in International Relations received their certificates,while 09 students received certificates of merit.We congratulate our graduating classes and wish them the very best in their future endeavors, stepping out into the world with more confidence and new credentials. BCIS hopes that they will make their mark as the emerging generation of prominent voices in International Relations.