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Knowledge Centre

The BCIS Knowledge Centre is probably Sri Lanka’s single biggest collection of reference material relating to the field of International Relations. It boasts a curation that has been meticulously expanded since the centre’s inception in 1974.

The lending section of our library holds the most up-to-date selection of material relating to the study of IR; including works that have special relevance to Asia, South Asia, and Europe, where much of Sri Lanka’s international diplomacy is centred on.


The most unique aspect of the Knowledge Centre is our Reference Library, which holds not just rare and out-of-print editions and collections of academic journals, encyclopaedias, reports, and dictionaries, but, the personal collections of some of Sri Lanka’s finest statesmen and thought leaders.

Time-spanning and rare; nowhere else in Sri Lanka would you find a reference section of such magnitude and value.

Students enrolling with us, will have conditional yet unrestricted access to this wealth of knowledge, which considerably enriches their learning and research experiences; a fact that has been proven time and time again.